Let's all be honest here: everyone and their second cousin’s aunt has a social media presence now. No matter what you do or how old you are, the social sphere is so much more than viral videos and #hashtags; it’s a communication tool. Just as the newspaper was once the revolutionary, go-to source for the happenings of the world around you, the online social media arena has made the world that much smaller.
Think about it: there are approx. 320 million Twitter users right now; 400 million on Instagram; and a whopping 1.59 billion on Facebook. At any given moment, you can communicate your message to the masses. Likewise, you can listen to what the masses are saying. It’s pretty powerful stuff. But with this stuff comes responsibility. Wielding your social media prowess is not to be trifled with – especially if you’re getting more social on behalf of your business brand!
Our advice? Take a look at our latest infographic “Stats for Social Media Savvy Businesses.”
Always, under any circumstance, know what you’re getting into! Your Tweets, Instagrams, Pins or page updates are going to take a little more thought than the posts of your average social media Joe (or Joanne!). As a brand, the only way you’re going to conquer your social game is by being strategic, precise and instinctive.
So let’s keep going and see how these stats could up your social game.
Since the beginning of time (well maybe just since the ice-age when the first caveman set up shop in his cave to barter with other Neanderthals for tools or clubs), retailers have been honing and perfecting their sales strategies. Brick and mortars in particular have faced the challenge head on in today’s digital era and have adapted accordingly. A stunning 91% proves this. They’ve gone digital.
The lesson: retail brands have followed Photo Editing Services their audience. Rather than fighting it, they’ve evolved. Knowing how, where and when your target market is in the digital land will help immensely in your own customer research. Don’t be among the less than 10% who snub the social sphere. You could be missing out on getting to know your audience.
Our c-level leaders, believe it or not, are also consumers themselves. They’re most likely getting their social on and listening to the brands they like on the web just as much as us normal folk.
For instance, before your CEO makes reservations at that new 5-star restaurant downtown, maybe she gets her Executive Assistant to hold the stretch limo and check up on the restaurant’s customer rating on Yelp first. Or perhaps your VP checks his flight status on Twitter before checking into his first-class seat.
No matter what your leadership is doing – and yes, I realize they’re not all typically as hoity-toity as I’ve painted them to be – the point is that they’re likely to be social listeners themselves! So if ever you have difficulty convincing them that your brand needs to boost your social media strategy, ask them to evaluate how often they leverage it as a consumer.